Geometry Dash Theory of Everything

Geometry Dash Theory of Everything is a captivating and dynamic level within the popular rhythm-based platforming game, Geometry Dash. This level takes players on a mesmerizing journey through a world filled with pulsating obstacles and synchronized music. Theory of Everything is known for its intricate design, challenging gameplay, and immersive experience.

How To Play

To play Geometry Dash Theory of Everything, follow these instructions for navigating through the level:

  1. Cube Sequence: Begin with a cube sequence, where you can choose any value between 0% and 8%.
  2. Size Portal: As you encounter the size portal, the size of the ships will increase in increments of 2%. Look out for sizes such as 10%, 13%, 15%, and 16%.
  3. Cube Sequences: Navigate through cube sequences that range from 16% to 26%, and when the size portal is active, from 22% to 25%.
  4. UFO Sightings: Prepare for consecutive UFO sequences between 26% and 34%.
  5. Cube Series: Progress through a cube series from 34% to 44%.
  6. Mirror Portal: The mirror portal comes into play between 44% and 51%. During this phase, expect a ball sequence ranging from 44% to 53%.
  7. Size Portal and Ship Sequence: Explore the effects of the size portal from 53% to 57%. In this range, you will also encounter a ship sequence.
  8. Cube Series: Overcome cube sequences from 57% to 64%.
  9. UFO Sequences: Experience UFO sequences influenced by the size portal (72% to 80%) and the mirror portal (72% to 81%) ranging from 64% to 81%.
  10. Cube Range: Navigate through a range of percentage cubes from 81% to 91%.
  11. Size Portal and Ball Sequence: Utilize the size portal to navigate a series of balls from 91% to 95%.
  12. Ship Sequence: Conclude the level with a ship sequence enhanced by the size portal's effects, from 95% to 100%.


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